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Paulo Tanaka

Paulo Tanaka

I’m currently a Senior Software Engineer at LinkedIn in Sunnyvale CA. I currently lead a team that builds internal infrastructure for our developers, you can find more about my background in my linkedin profile. When I was in CCS I enjoyed network programming, algorithms and understanding the intricacies of the software industry. This led me to seek a series of internships that exposed me to the different sides of software development. After college I joined LinkedIn, in the position I’m currently in.

My time at CCS had a deep impact in the way I think about topics and the way I approach new challenges. One of the best traits that a software engineer can have is the ability to learn quickly, and to my knowledge no program can teach that better than CCS. CCS thaught me to question assumptions and seek to understand topics as they are, not as they’re told. Above all, the college showed me that with enough motivation, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

CCS is the closest environment to a meritocracy that I know of. No idea is too right not to be challenged, no person has too big of a title not to be questioned. A place of constant information exchange, and cross polination between subjects. A college that gives you the resources for success. You’ll have access to some of the leading Computer Science researchers in the nation as well as modern day legends like Jay Freeman and Brian Fox. Jim Rohn famously said “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”, well that average is quite high in CCS.

Where to find me
